Davide Frapporti

Davide Frapporti


Publications and Preprints

Conferences and Workshops


My profiles on: ArXiv, ORCID, Google scholar, Mathschinet.


  1. (with F. Catanese, Y. Cho, S. Coughlan) Cubic hypersurfaces, associated discriminants and low degree nodal surfaces;

    Part 2 of Varieties of Nodal surfaces, coding theory and Discriminants of cubic hypersurfaces, 2022. [arXiv:2206.05492]

  2. On the minimal model of semi-isogenous mixed surfaces, 2020. [arXiv:2011.14649]

    Related files: The Magma script, and the input data: case q=0, q=1, q=2.

List of Publications

  1. (with F. Catanese, C. Gleißner, W. Liu M. Schütt) On the cohomologically trivial automorphisms of elliptic surfaces I: \(\chi(S)=0\).

    Taiwanese J. Math. Advance Publication 1-52 (2024). DOI: 10.11650/tjm/241106 [Journal link, arXiv:2408.16936]

  2. (with C. Gleißner) Rigid Manifolds of general type with non-contractible universal cover.

    Geom. Dedicata, Vol. 217, 49, 2023. [Journal link, arXiv:2104.06775]

  3. (with K.-S. Lee) Divisors on surfaces isogenous to a product of mixed type with \(p_g=0\).

    Pacific J. Math, Vol. 318 (2): 233-247, 2022. [Journal link, arXiv:1908.09330]

    Related files: The Magma script.

  4. (with C. Gleißner) A family of threefolds of general type with canonical map of high degree.

    Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 24(5): 1107-1115, 2020. [Journal link, arXiv:1902.03133]

  5. (with N. Cancian) On Semi-isogenous mixed surfaces.

    Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 291(2-3): 264-283, 2018. [Journal link, arXiv:1510.09055]

    Related files: the script.

  6. (with C. Gleißner) On threefolds isogenous to a product of curves.

    Journal of Algebra, Vol. 465: 170-189, 2016. [Journal link, arXiv:1412.6365]

  7. (with I. Bauer and F. Catanese) The fundamental group and torsion group of Beauville surfaces.

    Beauville surfaces and groups, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Vol. 123: 1-14, 2015. [Journal link, arXiv:1402.2109]

    Related files: the script.

  8. (with I. Bauer) Bloch's conjecture for generalized Burniat type surfaces with \(p_g=0\).

    Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1952 -), Vol. 64(1): 27-42, 2015. [Journal link, arXiv:1408.0760]

  9. (with I. Bauer and F. Catanese) Generalized Burniat type surfaces and Bagnera-de Franchis varieties.

    Journal of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo, Vol. 22(1): 55-111, 2015. [Journal link, arXiv:1409.1285]

  10. (with R. Pignatelli) Mixed quasi-étale quotients with arbitrary singularities.

    Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Vol. 57(1): 143-165, 2015. [Jounal Link, arXiv:1302.3717]

    Related files: the surfaces, the skipped cases and the script.

  11. Mixed quasi-étale surfaces, new surfaces of general type with \(p_g=0\) and their fundamental group.

    Collectanea Mathematica, Vol. 64(3): 293-311, 2013. [Journal link, arXiv:1105.1259]

    Related files: the surfaces, the skipped cases and the script.

  12. (with L. Farnik and S. Marchesi) On the non-existence of orthogonal instanton bundles on \(\mathbb P^{2n+1}\).

    Le Matematiche , Vol. 64(2): 81-90, 2009. [Journal link, arXiv:0912.2292]

Ph.D. Dissertation

  1. Mixed quasi-étale surfaces and new surfaces of general type

    Università di Trento, 2012. Available at http://eprints-phd.biblio.unitn.it/686/.