// For each of the following inputs run the commands // The funciton "q2Extension" and the procedure "OrbitDivisors" are defined in the file Skript.txt G0:=sub; H,e,Orb:=q2Extension(G0); // constructing a bigger automorphism group for w in Orb do OrbitDivisors(G,genus,G0,H,e,w); end for; /* We are considering Hurwitz orbits (see Script) of generating vectors for the following reason. It is possible that: 1) 2 different generating vectors gv_1, gv_2 for G^0 C1/H=P^1 and a generating vector for the covering C2-> C2/H. In this situation the g.v. w_1 for the first covering and the g.v. w_2 for the second covering are in different Hurwitz orbit (since C1 and C2 are not isomorphic) of generating vectors of H of given type. Whence considering OrbitDivisors(G,genus,q,G0,H,e,w_i) for i=1,2 we deal both cases simultaneously. If one of the three conditions 1)-3) is not satisfied, then we have get only one orbit. */ //-------------------------//-------------------------//------------------------- //-------------------------//-------------------------//------------------------- // CASE K^2=4 p_g=q=2 //-------------------------//-------------------------//------------------------- // Input 1 G:=SmallGroup(12, 4); gv:=[ G.1 * G.2 * G.3^2, Id(G), G.3^2, G.3 ]; genus:=7; //-------------------------//-------------------------//------------------------- //-------------------------//-------------------------//------------------------- //CASEK^2=2 p_g=q=2 //-------------------------//-------------------------//------------------------- // Input 1 G:=SmallGroup(16,13); genus:=9; gv:= [ G.1 * G.3, G.2 * G.3, G.2 * G.3 * G.4, G.1 * G.3 * G.4 ]; // Input 2-3: here we are in the situation described above G:=SmallGroup(16,11); genus:=9; gv:= [ Id(G), G.1 * G.2 * G.4, Id(G), G.1 ]; gv:= [ G.2 * G.3, G.1 * G.4, G.2 * G.3, G.1 * G.2 * G.3 * G.4 ];