// Input: K^2, p_g and q // // The main function of the program is Output(Ksquare,pg,q), which is defined at the bottom of the file. // This function calls the other sub-functions defined below. // It creates a file containing the semi-isogenous mixed surfaces with the required invariants // and Galois Goup in the MAGMA Database of finite groups (SmallGroupDatabase). // The program prints the skipped cases (if any) separately. // // // Step 1: the types // // Once we fix K^2, p_g and q there are finitely many possible // signatures satisfying all the condition of the Proposition 5.1. // // We will represent a signature as the multiset of // positive integers {* m_i *}. // We define the invariants Theta and Beta: Theta:=function(q, sig) a:=2*q-2; for m in sig do a+:=(1-1/m); end for; return a; end function; Beta:=func; // it coincides with g(C)-1 // These two transform a multiset, resp. a tuple into a sequence MsetToSeq:=function(mset) seq:=[ ]; while #mset ne 0 do Append(~seq, Minimum(mset)); Exclude(~mset, Minimum(mset)); end while; return seq; end function; TupleToSeq:=function(tuple) seq:=[ ]; for el in tuple do Append(~seq,el); end for; return seq; end function; // The input of the next program are 3 numbers, Length, HB and n and its output are all types with // #type=Length such that each m_i is smaller than HB and it divides n; CandTypes:=function(Length,HB,n) D:={x: x in Divisors(n) | x in {2..HB}}; //divisors of n smaller than HB and different from 1 Types:=Multisets(D, Length); return Types; end function; // The function ListTypes calculate all the types giving the // expected value of beta (=2*(10*chi-Ksquare)/Theta). ListOfTypes:=function(Ksquare,pg, q, beta) list:={}; chi:=1+pg-q; N:=IntegerRing()!(beta*(8*chi-Ksquare)/(10*chi-Ksquare)); // N is |O_2| ordG0:=IntegerRing()!( (beta^2)/(10*chi-Ksquare)); if q eq 0 then Rmin:=3; elif q eq 1 then Rmin:=1; else Rmin:=0; end if; Rmax:=Floor((4*(10*chi-Ksquare)/beta)+4*(1-q)); for R in [Rmin..Rmax] do M:=Max(1/6,(R-3+4*q)/2); HB:= Min({beta, Floor( (1+2*(10*chi-Ksquare) )/M ) }); if N gt 0 then HB:=Min({beta, N, Floor(ordG0/N), Floor( (1+2*(8*chi-Ksquare) )/M) });end if; for cand in CandTypes(R,HB,GCD({N, beta, ordG0}) ) do T:=Theta(q,cand); if T eq 2*(10*chi-Ksquare)/beta then Include(~list, MsetToSeq(cand) cat [ordG0] ); end if; end for; end for; return list; end function; // ListTypes returns, for given K^2, p_g and q, // all the possible types (using ListOfTypes) (see Proposition 5.1) ListTypes:=function(Ksquare, pg,q) List:=[ ]; chi:=1-q+pg; if q eq 0 then Tmin:=1/42; elif q eq 1 then Tmin:=1/2; else Tmin:=2*q-2; end if; BetaMax:=Floor(Beta(Ksquare,chi,Tmin)); for beta in [BetaMax.. 1 by -1] do N:=beta*(8*chi-Ksquare)/(10*chi-Ksquare); ordG0:= (beta^2)/(10*chi-Ksquare); if IsIntegral(N) and IsIntegral(ordG0) and (N le ordG0) then for T in ListOfTypes(Ksquare, pg,q, beta) do Append(~List,T ); end for; end if; end for; return List; end function; // // Step 2: admissible groups G^0 // // Fixed K^2, p_g, q, and the type, we can compute the order of the group G^0. // We search among the group of order |G^0| which groups // have a generating vector of the prescribed type. ElsOfOrd:=func; // TuplesOfGivenOrder creates a sequence of length equal to // the length of the input sequence type plus 2*q, whose entries are subsets of the group in // the input, and precisely the subsets of elements of order // the corresponding entry of type and 2*q copies of the whole group. TuplesOfGivenOrders:=function(group,q,type) SEQ:=[ ]; for i in [1..2*q] do Append(~SEQ,Set(group)); end for; for i in [1..#type] do if IsEmpty(ElsOfOrd(group,type[i])) then return [ ]; else Append(~SEQ,ElsOfOrd(group,type[i])); end if;end for; return SEQ; end function; /// This script returns all the generating vector // for a group isomorphic to H < G of prescribed type. VectGens:=function(G, H, q, type: OnlyExistence:= false) Vect:={}; SetCands:=TuplesOfGivenOrders(G,q,type); sw:=#type; if not IsEmpty(SetCands) then if sw ne 0 then Prune(~SetCands); else type:=[1]; end if; cands:= CartesianProduct(SetCands); for cand in cands do m:=Id(G); for i in [1..q] do m:=m*(cand[2*i-1]^-1, cand[2*i]^-1); end for; for i in [1..#type-1] do m:=m*cand[2*q+i]; end for; if Order(m) eq type[#type] then S:=sub; if #S eq #H then if #H eq #G then if sw ne 0 then Include(~Vect, Append(TupleToSeq(cand),(m)^-1)); else Include(~Vect, TupleToSeq(cand)); end if; if OnlyExistence then return true; end if; elif CanIdentifyGroup(#H) then if IdentifyGroup(S) eq IdentifyGroup(H) then if sw ne 0 then Include(~Vect, Append(TupleToSeq(cand),(m)^-1)); else Include(~Vect, TupleToSeq(cand)); end if; if OnlyExistence then return true;end if; end if; else if IsIsomorphic(S, H) then if sw ne 0 then Include(~Vect, Append(TupleToSeq(cand),(m)^-1)); else Include(~Vect, TupleToSeq(cand)); end if; if OnlyExistence then return true;end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end for; end if; if OnlyExistence then return false; end if; return Vect; end function; // The following function are use to construct the "Hurwitz moves". // These moves are described in [Pen15]. // The next script takes a sequence of elements of a group // and a further element g and conjugates each element // of the sequence with g. Conjug:=function(seq,el) output:=[]; for h in seq do Append(~output,h^el); end for; return output; end function; HurwitzMove0:= func; // HurwitzOrbit0, starting from a sequence of elements of a group, // creates all sequences of elements which are equivalent to the given one // for the equivalence relation generated by the Hurwitz moves of type (0; m_1,..., m_r), // and return (to spare memory) only the ones whose entries have never // decreasing order. HurwitzOrbit0:=function(seq) orb:={ }; shortorb:={ }; Trash:={ seq }; repeat ExtractRep(~Trash,~gens); Include(~orb, gens); for k in [1..#seq-1] do newgens:=HurwitzMove0(gens,k); if newgens notin orb then Include(~Trash, newgens); end if; end for; until IsEmpty(Trash); for gens in orb do test:=true; for k in [1..#seq-1] do if Order(gens[k]) gt Order(gens[k+1]) then test:=false; break k; end if; end for; if test then Include(~shortorb, gens); end if; end for; return shortorb; end function; // The next one create the Hurwitz move of type (1; m) HurwitzMove1N:=function(seq) moves:={}; t1:=[seq[1],seq[2]*seq[1], seq[3]]; Include(~moves,t1); t2:=[seq[1]*seq[2]^-1,seq[2], seq[3]]; Include(~moves,t2); return moves; end function; // This one, starting from a sequence of elements of a group, // creates all sequences of elements which are equivalent to the given one // for the equivalence relation generated by the Hurwitz moves of type (1; m). HurwitzOrbit1N:=function(seq) orb:={}; Trash:={ seq }; repeat ExtractRep(~Trash,~gens); Include(~orb, gens); for newgens in HurwitzMove1N(gens) do if newgens notin orb then Include(~Trash, newgens); end if; end for; until IsEmpty(Trash); return orb; end function; // The next one create the Hurwitz move of type (g'; m_1, ..., m_r), // with g'>1 or g'>0 and r>1. HurwitzMoveGen:=function(h,seq) moves:={}; fund:=[seq[i]: i in [1..2*h]]; ram:=[seq[i]: i in [2*h+1.. #seq] ]; //Type 1-2, t_j, t_(\delta_j) for j in [1.. h] do t1:=seq; t2:=seq; t1[2*j-1]:=seq[2*j-1]*(seq[2*j]^-1); t2[2*j]:=seq[2*j]*seq[2*j-1]; Include(~moves, t1);Include(~moves, t2); end for; //Type 3, t_(\sigma_h) for h in [1.. #ram -1] do t3:=fund cat (HurwitzMove0(ram, h) ); Include(~moves, t3); end for; //Type 4, t_(\tau_k) for k in [1.. h-1] do x:=(seq[2*k]^-1) * seq[2*k+1] * seq[2*k+2] *(seq[2*k+1]^-1) ; t4:=seq; t4[2*k-1]:=seq[2*k-1]*(x^-1); t4[2*k]:=x*seq[2*k]*(x^-1); t4[2*k+1]:=x*seq[2*k+1]; Include(~moves, t4); end for; //Type 5-6, t_(\xi^1_j,d), t_(\xi^2_j,d) for j in [1..h] do for d in [1..#ram] do u:=seq[1]*(seq[1]^-1); for k in [1..j-1] do u:= u* (seq[2*k-1]*seq[2*k]*(seq[2*k-1]^-1)*(seq[2*k]^-1) ); end for; s:=seq[1]*(seq[1]^-1); for z in [2*h+d+1..#seq] do s:=s*seq[z]; end for; c:=(u^-1)*(seq[#fund+ d])*u; e:= u *seq[2*j-1]*seq[2*j]*(seq[2*j-1]^-1) *(u^-1); f:=u*( seq[2*j-1]*seq[2*j]*(seq[2*j-1]^-1)*(seq[2*j]^-1) ) * (seq[2*j-1]^-1) *(u^-1) ; t5:=seq; t6:=seq; t5[2*j-1]:= c*seq[2*j-1]; t5[2*h+d]:= seq[2*h+d]*s*e*seq[2*h+d]*(e^-1)*(seq[2*h+d]^-1)*(s^-1); t6[2*j]:= (seq[2*j-1]^-1)*c*seq[2*j-1]*seq[2*j]; t6[2*h+d]:= seq[2*h+d]*s*f* seq[2*h+d]*(f^-1)*( seq[2*h+d]^-1)*(s^-1); Include(~moves, t5);Include(~moves, t6); end for;end for; return moves; end function; // This one, starting from a sequence of elements of a group, // creates all sequences of elements which are equivalent to the given one // for the equivalence relation generated by the Hurwitz moves of type (g'; m_1, ..., m_r), // with g'>1 or g'>0 and r>1. HurwitzOrbitGen:=function(h,seq) orb:={}; Trash:={ seq }; repeat ExtractRep(~Trash,~gens); Include(~orb, gens); for newgens in HurwitzMoveGen(h,gens) do if newgens notin orb then Include(~Trash, newgens); end if; end for; until IsEmpty(Trash); return orb; end function; HurwitzOrbit:=function(h,type,seq) orb:={}; // type (0; m_1,..., m_r) if h eq 0 then orb:=HurwitzOrbit0(seq); // type (1; m) elif h eq 1 and #type eq 1 then orb:=HurwitzOrbit1N(seq); // type (g'; m_1, ..., m_r), else orb:=HurwitzOrbitGen(h,seq); end if; return orb; end function; // End of Hurwitz moves // ClassVectGenscomputes all possible generating vectors // for a group isomorphic to H < G of prescribed type and return // only one representative for each orbit of the equivalence relation generated by the Hurwitz moves ClassVectGens:=function(G,H,h, type) Repres:={}; Vects:=VectGens(G,H,h, type); while not IsEmpty(Vects) do v:=Rep(Vects); Include(~Repres,v); orb:=HurwitzOrbit(h,type,v); for v1 in orb do for g in G do w1:=Conjug(v1,g); Exclude(~Vects, w1); end for;end for; end while; return Repres; end function; // If a group has a generating vector of the // right type before to look for an extension, // we check if the group has a disjoint pair of generating vectors. // If this is not the case surely a generating vector // and its conjugation by tau' are not disjoint and Y is not smooth. DisjGV:=function(H,q,gens1,gens2) test:=true; for i in [2*q+1..#gens1] do gen1:=gens1[i]; for j in [2*q+1..#gens2] do gen2:=gens2[j]; for d1 in [1..Order(gen1)-1] do for d2 in [1..Order(gen2)-1] do if IsConjugate(H,gen1^d1,gen2^d2) then test:=false; break i; end if; end for; end for; end for; end for; return test; end function; // These function checks if a group has a disjoint pair of // generating vectors ExistDisjointVectGens:=function(groupH,q,type) s:=SetToSequence(ClassVectGens(groupH,groupH,q,type)); c:=1; test:= false; for i in [1..#s] do gens1:=s[i]; for j in [c..#s] do gens2:=s[j]; if DisjGV(groupH,q, gens1, gens2) then test:=true; break i; end if; end for; c+:=1; end for; return test; end function; // Orbifold builds the orbifold surface group of the signature given by q and seq Orbifold:=function(q,seq) F:=FreeGroup(2*q+#seq); G:=Id(F); Rel:={}; for i in [1..q] do G:=G*(F.(2*i-1)^-1,F.(2*i)^-1); end for; for i in [1..#seq] do G:=G*F.(2*q+i); Include(~Rel,F.(2*q+i)^(seq[i])); end for; Include(~Rel, G); return quo; end function; // The group G^0 is a quotient of orbifold surface group T of type (q;type) // and so (G^0)^{ab} is a quotient of T^{ab}. // Next script makes this test (only for q=0) before checking wheter // the group has a generating vector of type (q;type). AbCheck:=function(q, type, H, group) test:=false; AQH:=AbelianQuotient(H); if q ne 0 then test:=VectGens(H, H, q, type: OnlyExistence:= true); else for g in Subgroups(group) do h:=group/(g`subgroup); if Order(h) eq Order(AQH) then if IsIsomorphic(h, AQH) then test:=VectGens(H, H, q, type: OnlyExistence:= true); break g; end if; end if; end for;end if; return test; end function; //ListGroupsG0 searches among the groups of order ordG0 // for groups with a disjoint pair of generating vectors of type (q;type) ListGroupsG0:=function(q,type,ordG0) badorders:={ 512, 768,1152,1280,1536,1920}; set:={}; i:=1; if q ne 0 then group:=SmallGroup(1,1); else group:=AbelianQuotient(Orbifold(q,type)); end if; if ordG0 in badorders then P:= SmallGroupProcess(ordG0); repeat H := Current(P); i; if AbCheck(q,type,H,group) then if ExistDisjointVectGens(H,q, type) then Include(~set, i); end if; end if; i:=i+1; Advance(~P); until IsEmpty(P); else for H in SmallGroups(ordG0) do i; if AbCheck(q,type,H,group) then if ExistDisjointVectGens(H,q, type) then Include(~set, i); end if; end if; i:=i+1; end for; end if; return set; end function; // // Step 3: the extensions // // We check if the given group "groupH"=G^0 // has some extension of degree 2 with the expected number of elements of order 2 // and which satisfies the condition of Remark 5.4. Ind:=function(el2G ,G, type) set:={}; for x in el2G do cent:=Centralizer(G, x); n:=#G/#cent; if forall{m: m in type | m le n} then Include(~set, x); end if;end for; return set; end function; // If 8*chi is not equal to Ksquare, the map CxC-> X is not q.e. and so G // is a semidirect product of the normal subgroup G^0 and the cyclic group Z_2= < z >, // that is, we have to give morphisms f:Z_2-> Aut(G^0). But if for two morphisms f_1, f_2, // the images f_1(Z_2) and f_2(Z_2) are conjugated then the semidirect products are isomorph, // hence we have to consider all the images of z in Aut(G^0) up to conjugation. AutGr:= function(Aut) A:={ Aut!1 }; repeat for g1 in Generators(Aut) do for g2 in A do Include (~A,g1*g2); end for; end for; until #A eq #Aut; return A; end function; ConjugCl:=function(group, order) Set:={}; Rep:=[]; list:=[x: x in group | Order(x) eq order]; for el in list do if el notin Set then for a in group do Include(~Set, el^a); end for; Append(~Rep, el); end if; end for; return Rep; end function; // Extension checks if the given group "groupH"=G^0 // has some extension of degree 2 with the expected number of elements of order 2 // and which satisfies the condition of Remark 5.4, and returns all of them. // // If it is possible it constructs the extension as semidirect products, // otherwise it runs over the groups of order |G| Extension:=function(idH,q,type,N) H:=SmallGroup(idH[1],idH[2]); ext:={}; Aut:=AutomorphismGroup(H); #Aut; if ( N ne 0) and (#Aut le 5000) and CanIdentifyGroup(2*idH[1]) then A:=AutGr(Aut); AutOfOrd2:=ConjugCl(A,2) cat [ Aut!1]; //inclusa l'identità "Aut2!\n"; C2:=SmallGroup(2,1); for i in [1..#AutOfOrd2] do map:=homAut| AutOfOrd2[i]>; G, em :=SemidirectProduct(H,C2,map); el2G:={x: x in G | Order(x) eq 2 and x notin em(H)}; if #el2G eq N and #Ind(el2G,G,Set(type)) eq N then //ciascun m_i è minore dei vari N_j Include(~ext, IdentifyGroup(G)); end if; end for; else "ExplicG.\n"; el2H:={x: x in H | Order(x) eq 2}; ordG:= 2*Order(H); NoG:=NumberOfGroups(SmallGroupDatabase(), ordG); for i in [1..NoG] do G:=SmallGroup(ordG, i); el2G:={x: x in G | Order(x) eq 2}; if (#el2G-#el2H) eq N then if (N eq 0) or (N le #Ind(el2G,G,Set(type)) ) then if VectGens(G,H,q,type: OnlyExistence:= true) then Include(~ext, ); end if; end if; end if; end for; end if; return ext; end function; // Step 4a: the fundamental group // // Next scripts allow us to calculate the topological // fundamental group of the surfaces we constructed. // Orbi constructs the orbifold surface group and the // appropriate orbifold homomorphism. Orbi:=function(seq, gr, q) F:=FreeGroup(#seq); G:=Id(F); Rel:={}; for i in [1..q] do G:=G*(F.(2*i-1)^-1,F.(2*i)^-1); end for; for i in [2*q+1..#seq] do G:=G*F.i; Include(~Rel,(F.i)^( Order(seq[i]) )); end for; Include(~Rel, G); P:=quo; return P, homgr|seq>; end function; // MapProd computes given two maps f,g:A->B the map product // induced by the product on B MapProd:=function(map1,map2) seq:=[]; A:=Domain(map1); B:=Codomain(map1); if Category(A) eq GrpPC then n:=NPCgens(A); else n:=NumberOfGenerators(A); end if; for i in [1..n] do Append(~seq, map1(A.i)*map2(A.i)); end for; return homB|seq>; end function; // Pi1 uses a generating vector for G^0 // inside G to construct the corresponding orbifold surface group // and the group HH that acts on the universal cover of CxC. // Then it constructs the degree 2 extension GG. // Finally it takes the quotient by Tors(GG). Pi1:=function(seq,G,q) H:=sub; //el:=[g: g in G | g notin H][1]; el:=Random({g: g in G | g notin H}); phi1:=homH| x:-> (el^-1)*x*(el)>; T,f1:=Orbi(seq,H,q); t:=(el^2)@@f1; TxT,inT,proT:=DirectProduct([T,T]); HxH,inH:=DirectProduct([H,H]); Diag:=MapProd(inH[1],inH[2])(H); f:=MapProd(proT[1]*f1*inH[1],proT[2]*f1*phi1*inH[2]); bigH:=Rewrite(TxT,Diag@@f); tt:=inT[1](t)*inT[2](t); PHI:=hombigH| x:-> inT[1](proT[2](x))*inT[2](t*proT[1](x)*(t^-1))>; genH:=SetToSequence(Generators(bigH)); relH:=Relations(bigH); REL:=[]; im:=[]; F:=FreeProduct(bigH,FreeGroup(1)); for i in [1..#genH] do Append(~im,F.i); end for; map:=homF|im>; tau:=map(tt); ul:=F.(#Generators(F)); Append(~REL, ul^2*(tau^-1)); for i in [1..#genH] do Append(~REL, map(PHI(genH[i]))* ul * map(genH[i]^-1 )*(ul^-1)); end for; bigG,pr:=quo; TG:={}; N:={h: h in H | Order(el*h) eq 2}; for h in N do x:=h@@f1; y:=ul*( map( inT[1](x)*inT[2]((t*x)^-1) ) ); Include(~TG, pr(y) ); end for; return Simplify(quo); end function; // Step 4b: the Albanese fibre // GenAlb uses the generating vector seq for G^0 // inside G (giving a surface X with q=1) // to compute the genus of the Albanese fibre of X. GenAlb:=function(G, seq); H,f:=sub; el:=[x: x in G | x notin H][1]; N:={h: h in H | Order(el*h) eq 2}; HxH,inj, proj:=DirectProduct([H,H]); r:=[]; r[1]:= inj[1](seq[1])*inj[2](seq[1]^-1); r[2]:= inj[1](seq[2])*inj[2](seq[2]^-1); for i in {3..#seq} do r[i]:=inj[1](seq[1]^-1*seq[2]^-1*seq[i]*seq[2]*seq[1]); r[i-2+#seq]:=inj[2](seq[1]^-1*seq[2]^-1*seq[i]*seq[2]*seq[1]); end for; Im:=sub; set:={}; for g in Im do for h in H do Include(~set,inj[1](h* proj[1](g))*inj[2](el*h*el^-1* proj[2](g))); Include(~set, inj[1](el*h*el^-1*proj[2](g))*inj[2](el^2*h* proj[1](g))); end for; end for; comp:=(#H)^2/#set; T:=0; for i in {3..#seq} do T+:=(1-1/Order(seq[i])); end for; eul:= (#H*T)/2-#N; genus:=1+ (eul/comp); return genus; end function; // // Step 5:to find all the surfaces // // There is a surface for each pair (group, generating vector) which passes previous tests, // but they are often deformation equivalent . More precisely, // it happens if the generating vectors // are equivalent for the equivalence relation generated // by Hurwitz moves and the automorhisms of the group. // We need to construct orbits for this equivalence relation. OrbitsVectGens:=function(G,H,q, type) Orbits:={}; Vects:=VectGens(G,H,q, type); Aut:=AutomorphismGroup(G); A:=AutGr(Aut); while not IsEmpty(Vects) do v:=Rep(Vects); Include(~Orbits,v); orb:=HurwitzOrbit(q,type,v); for v1 in orb do for phi in A do Exclude(~Vects,phi(v1)); if IsEmpty(Vects) then break v1; end if; end for; end for; end while; return Orbits; end function; // BranchCurves chechs if a generating vector for G^0 and the extension G // give a smooth surface Y and a quotient map CxC-> X with the expected branch locus BranchCurves:=function(groupG, q, gens, expN, type) curves:=[**]; N:=0; test:=true; gens2:=[]; groupH:= sub; F:=( Theta(q,type)/2 ); //F=beta/#G0 tp:=[g: g in groupG | g notin groupH][1]; //tau' for i in [1..#gens] do Append(~gens2, gens[i]^tp); end for; if DisjGV(groupH,q,gens,gens2) then RamCurves:={x: x in groupG| (not x in groupH) and (Order(x) eq 2)}; while not IsEmpty(RamCurves) do c:=Rep(RamCurves); cent:=Centralizer(groupG, c); nj:=#groupG/#cent; //index of Z(tau' k) = number of ram. curves mapped onto the same branch curve, i.e. cardinality of the conj. class if IsIntegral(nj*F) then N:=N+nj; Append(~curves, [ 1+nj*F,-4*nj*F]); for x in groupG do Exclude(~RamCurves, c^x); end for; // we remove the elements conjugated to c. else test:=false; return test, [**]; end if; end while; else test:=false; end if; return (test and (expN eq N)), curves; end function; // For each triple (G,G^0, type) in the output of Step 3, we check which pairs (G, gen.vect), // give a semi-isogenous mixed surface with the expected invariants and we print them in the file F. FindSurfaces:=function(idG,idH,type,Ksquare,pg,q, New,F) chi:=1+pg-q; d:=0; G:=SmallGroup(idG[1],idG[2]); H:=SmallGroup(idH[1],idH[2]); beta:=Beta(Ksquare, chi,Theta(q,type)); N:=IntegerRing()!(beta*(8*chi-Ksquare)/(10*chi-Ksquare) ); Orbs:=OrbitsVectGens(G,H, q, type); for gens in Orbs do t, curves:=BranchCurves(G, q, gens, N, type) ; if t then d:=d+1; fprintf F, "Surface number %o \n", New+d; fprintf F, "G:%o\n", idG; fprintf F, "G^0: %o\n", idH; fprintf F, "genus of C: %o\n", 1+Beta(Ksquare, 1+pg-q, Theta(q,type)); fprintf F, "\n"; fprintf F, "Type of generating vector: %o\n",type; fprintf F, "Generating Vector: %o \n", gens; fprintf F, "\n"; fprintf F, "Branch curves: %o \n", curves; fprintf F, "\n"; fprintf F, "H1(S,ZZ): %o \n", AbelianQuotient(Pi1(gens, G,q)); if q eq 1 then fprintf F, "\n"; fprintf F, "genus Albanese Fiber: %o \n", GenAlb(G, gens); end if; fprintf F, "\n\n\n"; end if; end for; return d; end function; // Output is the main function of the scripts. // It calls the previous function and manages the outputs. Output:=function(Ksquare, pg,q) RT:=Realtime(); chi:=1-q+pg; F:= "Semi_isog_mix_surf_pg" cat IntegerToString(pg) cat "_q" cat IntegerToString(q) cat "_Ks" cat IntegerToString(Ksquare) cat ".txt"; fprintf F, "K^2=%o, pg=%o and q=%o\n\n\n", Ksquare,pg,q; Types:=ListTypes(Ksquare, pg,q); "Number of types", #Types; ListG0s:=[**]; for T in Types do T; ordG0:=T[#T]; if (not IsInSmallGroupDatabase(ordG0)) then fprintf F, " TO CHECK : %o\n", T; else AdmisG0:=ListGroupsG0(q,Prune(T), ordG0); if #AdmisG0 ne 0 then Append(~ListG0s, [*ordG0, AdmisG0, Prune(T)*]); end if; end if; end for; "Number of types with a G0:", #ListG0s; fprintf F,"Types with a G0:%o\n\n\n", ListG0s; ListG:=[**]; for triple in ListG0s do ordG:=2*triple[1]; if (not IsInSmallGroupDatabase(ordG)) then fprintf F, "TO CHECK: %o\n", triple; else for x in triple[2] do printf "Searching extension\n"; N:=IntegerRing()!(2*(8*chi-Ksquare)/Theta(q,triple[3]) ); Extens:=Extension([triple[1], x] , q,triple[3],N); if #Extens ne 0 then Append(~ListG, [*Extens, , triple[3] *]); end if; end for; end if; end for ; "Number of candidate groups G:", #ListG; fprintf F,"Number of candidate groups G:%o\n\n\n", ListG; New:=0; for trip in ListG do Ext:=trip[1]; idH:=trip[2]; type:=trip[3]; printf "Checking Groups\n"; trip; for idG in Ext do idG; newsurf:=FindSurfaces(idG, idH, type, Ksquare, pg, q, New, F); New:=New+newsurf; end for; end for; fprintf F,"Time: %o\n", Realtime(RT); printf "Time: %o\n", Realtime(RT); return "Found ",New," families of surfaces"; end function;